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Peace Corps Volunteer
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Virtual Service Pilot
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About Vanuatu


+678 35170

Peace Corps Volunteers contribute in very important ways to Vanuatu’s national goal of increasing opportunities for Ni-Vanuatu, particularly those living in rural areas. Volunteers support the work of development partners that include government departments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), local institutions, and communities. Ni-Vanuatu counterparts work with Volunteers to build capacity and to make projects sustainable beyond the service of the Volunteer. The Peace Corps program in Vanuatu supports:

  • Ni-Vanuatu increase opportunities for education and training and improve the quality of education for young people.
  • Improve the overall health of the Ni-Vanuatu by assisting community-based health care providers in delivering health services to rural communities.
  • Encourage youth and women to take active, leading roles in development.
  • Facilitate the delivery of other important development programs and resources to rural communities and institutions.

Working and living with Ni-Vanuatu at the community level is the theme that transcends the varied assignments of Peace Corps Volunteers. Volunteers are distinguished by their respect for culture, ability to speak Bislama, and willingness to live in some of the most remote areas of the country. They range in age, gender, and experience, but all share a commitment to the goals of the Peace Corps and to the people of Vanuatu.

Volunteer satisfaction, health, and safety


Peace Corps service is a life-changing experience, and no two Volunteers experience their service in exactly the same way. Check out some of the links below to learn more about our country and the experiences other Volunteers have had serving here.

The National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) is made up of returned Volunteers. You can find links to all the “Friends of” groups for most countries of service.

To find information about countries around the world, including social and political history, travel information, and U.S. embassy websites.

Learn more about other U.S. international development initiatives.

Vanuatu Government

The following are helpful links associated with Peace Corps Vanuatu:

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education

Vanuatu National Statistics Office

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

Vanuatu Daily Post