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The application process begins by selecting a service model and finding an open position.

Peace Corps Volunteer
2 years, 3 months
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Peace Corps Response
Up to 12 months
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Virtual Service Pilot
3-6 months
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Projects in Indonesia


Peace Corps Volunteers in the Education Sector work closely with school principals and their counterparts, Indonesian teachers, and the community.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

Volunteers in Indonesia will have the opportunity to collaborate with one or more local teachers in a middle school, high school or vocational school setting to support English language acquisition. Together with teachers and community members, you are able to achieve measurable impact in the students' academic skills and professional outlook.

Volunteers teach in either public schools or madrasahs (Islamic schools). Though governed by different ministries, public schools and madrasahs have many similarities. Both schools apply a Monday through Friday/Saturday schedule, run on the same year-round, two semester schedule (with breaks in December and June-July), and both are working to integrate recent education reforms, the Merdeka Belajar (Emancipated Learning) initiative, which focuses on interactive student engagement, enhanced performance assessments and practical classroom teaching plans.

The language of instruction in both schools is Bahasa Indonesia, though local or regional languages may be offered as a school-specific subject. In public schools and madrasahs, English is a mandatory subject for students in 7th to 12th grade; English is an optional subject in elementary school.

In co-planning and co-teaching alongside Indonesian teachers, Volunteers are able to simultaneously reinforce English fluency and engage in instructional capacity development. Currently Volunteers are matched to communities and schools in one of three Indonesian provinces: East Java, West Java or East Nusa Tenggara.

Volunteers will also have the latitude to collaborate on locally prioritized extracurricular projects such as English clubs, after school sports, or arts.

TEFL Certificate Program

Qualified candidates for Peace Corps Indonesia’s TEFL Education Project will have the opportunity to enroll in the Peace Corps TEFL Certificate program. This program provides 120 hours of standardized training and practice teaching along with supervised teaching experience framed through quarterly online learning events facilitated by post staff.

Teaching observations, Online Learning Community events (both before arrival and during service), written assignments, and in-person training events will be required throughout the program to support professional growth, provide feedback, and support Volunteers enrich their teaching repertoire.

Please see the TEFL Certificate program video for more information.

Virtual Service Program

Virtual Service connects qualified U.S. citizens with host country counterparts to meet partner requests in new ways – from supplementing on-the-ground Volunteer efforts to reaching regions where Volunteers cannot go. Participants collaborate virtually with counterparts to complete project tasks, donating 5-15 hours per week for 3-6 months.

The VSP at PC Indonesia has concentrated on assisting school partners in enhancing students' English proficiency, improving teachers' instructional abilities, and fostering the development of English resources. Participants in the VSP include not only RPCVs from Indonesia but also from other Peace Corps posts like Albania, Georgia, China, and Samoa.

What you can explore

In addition to Teaching English and Integrating with your community, many of our Volunteers also have the opportunity to be involved in various cultural activities, enjoy a variety of delicious culinary experiences and visit many beautiful places all over Indonesia.

Despite being the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia recognizes six official religions - Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Volunteers will find many communities to be very religious diverse.