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Apply to the Peace Corps

The application process begins by selecting a service model and finding an open position.

Peace Corps Volunteer
2 years, 3 months
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Peace Corps Response
Up to 12 months
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Virtual Service Pilot
3-6 months
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Let us help you find the right position.

If you are flexible in where you serve for the two-year Peace Corps Volunteer program, our experts can match you with a position and country based on your experience and preferences.

Serve where you’re needed most
Stories From Ecuador

Living with a host family in Ecuador

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La positiva experiencia de una voluntaria viviendo con su familia anfitriona.The positive experience of a volunteer living with her host family.

El Cuerpo de Paz require que cada voluntario debe vivir con una familia anfitriona durante al menos 6 meses durante su servicio de 2 años. Este es una breve descripción de la positiva experiencia de una voluntaria.

Peace Corps requires that every volunteer must live with a host family for at least 6 months during their 2 year service. This is a brief description of a positive volunteer experience.

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Living with a host family