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Peace Corps Volunteer
2 years, 3 months
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Peace Corps Response
Up to 12 months
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Virtual Service Pilot
3-6 months
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Projects in Dominican Republic


Peace Corps is uniquely positioned to provide the support that the Dominican Education system needs to reach its goals for childhood literacy. Spanish Primary Literacy Promoters serve as a resource for school staff, students and families. Specifically, Volunteers will work with teachers to integrate interactive teaching practices into the classroom, with students to improve their reading skills, and with families to strengthen their involvement in education. Work will involve modeling and/or co-teaching literacy strategies, improving classroom management skills, developing teaching materials, tutoring students, involving families in literacy, and promoting a culture of reading.

Peace Corps Education Volunteers dedicate the majority of their time working directly in an elementary school with teachers, librarians, school counselors and students. Using the Dominican school curriculum along with supplemental materials Volunteers provide daily and consistent support to teachers, students and families that otherwise would not be possible.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

In March 2025, Peace Corps Dominican Republic will open a TEFL program where Volunteers will support English teachers in public middle schools (US equivalent of 4th – 8th grades). Volunteers will be assigned to schools and support the Ministry of Education's national initiative to provide English to all students.

Youth in Development

Peace Corps Dominican Republic contributes to national priorities by guiding youth to transition into healthy, productive, civically engaged citizens by building the capacity of host country service providers, groups, and communities to prioritize positive youth development. The Youth project works with 10 – 24 year olds, co-facilitating life skills, employability skills, and sexual and reproductive health education by encouraging regular participation in clubs and mentoring youth.

Volunteers will work in secondary schools (US equivalent of 7th – 12th grades), Municipal Councils, and with the Provincial Offices of the Ministry of Women. Peace Corps Volunteers contribute regular, consistent support for youth, working together with service providers and young people as a trusted friend and mentor. This daily contact and mentoring is Peace Corps’ niche: much needed regular guidance and presence that teachers and community members are unable to provide.

Peace Corps Volunteers enhance existing school or community based youth programs or work with counterparts to develop new ones that help empower young people and give them the opportunity to reach their full potential. These programs build skills, harness positive energy, encourage ambitions, embolden healthy decision making, and urge youth to further their education, all providing sound bases for young peoples’ transition into healthy, productive, civically engaged adults, capable of intentional life planning.

Community Economic Development

Peace Corps Dominican Republic’s Community Economic Development (CED) project seeks to improve the economic security and upward economic mobility of some of the country’s most economically marginalized households, with a specific focus on contributing to the economic prosperity of women and youth.

CED Volunteers work with teachersto train students in skills that will allow them to be productive adults and secure employment. CED Volunteers work in high schools and with community organizations and small businesses. Through this capacity-building, our Dominican participants create their own self-employment opportunities, and successfully manage income and enterprise profits for the benefit of their households. Furthermore, the project aims to facilitate linkages between national economic development initiatives and the daily reality of individuals in the communities where Volunteers live and serve, thereby improving economic opportunities at both the person-to-person and community levels.