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The application process begins by selecting a service model and finding an open position.

Peace Corps Volunteer
2 years, 3 months
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Peace Corps Response
Up to 12 months
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Virtual Service Pilot
3-6 months
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Projects in Costa Rica

Community Economic Development

Community Economic Development (CED) seeks to sustain economic growth and improve the standard of living for families and communities. Our goal is:

  1. Rural communities are empowered to create new economic growth and opportunities.

Volunteers collaborate with Costa Rican partners on the following:

  • Community analysis to develop work plans, addressing priority issues and leveraging local resources
  • Co-plan and co-facilitate a project design and management (PDM) workshop for organization members and stakeholders and guide organization members and stakeholders to use PDM to design, manage, and evaluate a project
  • Plan and facilitate entrepreneurship and basic business skills training
  • Support youth teams in a small business simulation
  • Co-train and guide individuals to acquire and develop digital literacy skills.


English Education (EE) at both the primary and secondary levels seeks to help students and teachers attain English language communication skills and the cultural understanding necessary to access academic and/or professional opportunities. Our goals:


  1. Increase the capacity of teachers to use general teaching skills and English language teaching skills
  2. Increase the capacity of teachers to use equitable and inclusive practices in the classroom
  3. Increase the English proficiency of English teachers (as measured through use of classroom procedural English)


  1. Increase achievement of students in English

Learning Environment and Community

  1. Increase the ability of community members to support students’ access to learning

Peace Corps Volunteers collaborate with Costa Rican partners on the following:

  • Creating in-service workshops for English teachers
  • Organizing and implementing English summer camps in coordination with English teachers and community members
  • Preparing students for local, regional and national spelling bee competitions and English festivals
  • Participating in online and in person professional educator networking opportunities
  • Designing and delivering community English classes
  • Facilitating conversation classes for students; conversation clubs for teachers and community members
  • Supporting public school teachers in the design and implementation of a new public school English language curriculum
  • Collaborative planning and teaching with local English teachers
  • Develop teaching materials with local English teachers

Youth in Development

Youth Development (YD) seeks to equip youth to be healthy, productive and active citizens by engaging them & their communities in activities that incorporate a Positive Youth Development approach. Our objectives:

  1. Strengthen youth wellbeing
  2. Strengthen opportunities for youth community engagement
  3. Strengthen youth support systems

To accomplish them, Volunteers collaborate with Costa Rican partners on the following:

  • Complete a community analysis on youth development to co-design work plans with partners, addressing priority issues and leveraging local resources
  • Facilitate workshops or curriculum on life skills within existing Ministry of Education (MEP) platforms, and/or in collaboration with other organizations or community groups. Facilitate on topics such as self-concept, communication & social skills, problem solving & decision making.
  • Design and lead youth clubs & camps, such as: girls & boys clubs, youth group, guides & scouts, sports, arts, etc.
  • Co-lead activities that promote gender equity, touching on topics such as: gender norms, female empowerment, positive masculinities, diversity, and violence prevention
  • Support and implement community engagement programs for youth, such as: engaging youth in volunteering, service learning projects, and/or awareness day activities
  • Co-plan and implement youth oriented activities with school counselors, teachers, community leaders, youth leaders or other organizations in the community/region
  • Support youth service providers with non-formal education approaches, participatory methodologies and innovative techniques
  • Co-design and implement activities that promote positive communication and positive interactions within families, such as sports, family recreation days, workshops, etc.