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Apply to the Peace Corps

The application process begins by selecting a service model and finding an open position.

Peace Corps Volunteer
2 years, 3 months
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Peace Corps Response
Up to 12 months
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Virtual Service Pilot
3-6 months
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Memorial Funds

Jon Mitchell Memorial Fund


Jon served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Togo. Jon loved his work and made a real impact in his community, building strong relationships with his neighbors and leading projects focused on the environment and food security. His family has a long tradition of service to others, and Jon developed a passion for volunteering during long stays in Vietnam and Kenya.

Jon earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and enjoyed gardening, fishing, and photography, among other pursuits. During his college years, he worked on a farm, taught English in Vietnam, and filmed and produced instructional videos in Kenya.

Before beginning his Peace Corps service on May 19, 2017, Jon wrote, “The Peace Corps will give me invaluable experience. Personally, I believe I will grow and learn new things about myself and become more independent. I will gain knowledge of another culture that is different from what I am accustomed to. This will open my eyes and make me enjoy the little things that bring enjoyment to life no matter the situation.”

All donations to the Jon Mitchell Memorial Fund will support approved Peace Corps Partnership Program (PCPP) projects in Togo.