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Connect with the Peace Corps

If you're ready for something bigger, we have a place where you belong.

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Apply to the Peace Corps

The application process begins by selecting a service model and finding an open position.

Peace Corps Volunteer
2 years, 3 months
Log in/check status
Peace Corps Response
Up to 12 months
Log in/check status
Virtual Service Pilot
3-6 months
Log in/check status

Let us help you find the right position.

If you are flexible in where you serve for the two-year Peace Corps Volunteer program, our experts can match you with a position and country based on your experience and preferences.

Serve where you’re needed most

Campus Ambassadors

Campus ambassadors are college students who work closely with Peace Corps recruiters to raise the Peace Corps’ profile on campus and introduce the agency’s mission to new and diverse student groups.

Promote Peace Corps on your college campus

As a campus ambassador you will be considered a local expert. After all, you know your campus better than anyone, and you can connect with groups of students who may not yet know the benefits of Peace Corps service.

The opportunity is open to undergraduate and graduate students on any college campus across the U.S.

What campus ambassadors do

You engage in many vibrant forms of student outreach on your campus including developing relationships with professors and student club presidents, sharing Peace Corps with your peers through presentations, posting on social media, and coordinating and supporting events. Follow campus ambassadors using #PeaceCorpsOnCampus.

  • All campus ambassadors are paired with the Peace Corps recruiter who covers their college or university.
  • The recruiter will have specific goals for you to work towards but will also look to you for innovative ways to connect with diverse groups on campus.
  • On average, campus ambassadors work about five hours per week, and commit for the academic year.


Through your close relationship with a Peace Corps recruiter, campus ambassadors receive professional mentorship and development.

Serving as a campus ambassador will not directly increase your chances of being selected for Peace Corps service, but it can enhance your application.

As a campus ambassador, you will work closely with a Peace Corps recruiter who can review your resume and advise you before you submit an application for Peace Corps service.

Please email [email protected] with questions.

How can I get more involved with Peace Corps right now?

Does being a campus ambassador interest you? If so, start the process now and fill out a short form for January 2025 to May 2025.