Application tips, service journeys and more - all in the Peace Corps Blog.
Recent blog posts in Europe
Serving As A Volunteer
Ties that Bind: Service with Peace Corps Ukraine
After Service
Peace Corps staff experience virtual engagement
Serving As A Volunteer
From Study Abroad to Peace Corps Volunteer
Kosovar counterpart upcycles for the good of the earth—and his community
One Volunteer explores her passions through community projects
Becoming A Volunteer
How the 7 principles of Kwanzaa intersect with Peace Corps service
AmeriCorps alumni give Virtual Service a try
A Virtual Service Participant says one engagement is simply not enough
Virtual Service inspires in-country Volunteer service
'Adjust, adapt, and overcome': A boy from Cleveland embraces a life of service
'Adjust, adapt, and overcome': A boy from Cleveland embraces a life of service
Virtual Service inspires in-country Volunteer service
Do you have a story to tell?
There are a lot of stories out there waiting for you to live them. Every Peace Corps Volunteer has a story to tell. Do you have one?