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Manuals and Guides

61-80 of 137 results
Information & Communication Technologies: Integrating Digital Tools Into Your Projects (M0085)
The ICT Idea Book is one of a series of booklets produced to share specific activities you may be interested in replicating. Other titles in the series are listed below, and new titles are produced regularly. All of these ideas come from the work of Volunteers. Most of them were submitted just as they are printed—there is not additional information.
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Training of Trainers: Computer & Internet Use for Development (T0122)
This Facilitator Guide and Reference Manual is to be used when training Volunteers and others who will serve as trainers in information and communication technology (ICT) during Volunteers’ Pre-Service Training (PST) or In-Service Training (IST). It outlines the format, materials, objectives, time, sequence, and content of the training of trainers (TOT).
Intensive Vegetable Gardening for Profit and Self-Sufficiency (R0025)

The purpose of this manual is to demonstrate how small farmers and garden producers in Jamaica can increase their production. This will increase their income and will help Jamaica achieve the goal of self-reliance in food.

In The Classroom: Empowering Girls (M0083)
This Idea book concentrates on activities and strategies that increase girlsÂ’ access to and participation in quality in-school education. Volunteers are perceived as role models, technical specialists, teachers, coun- selors, heroes and friends. This book shares specific ideas and frameworks for transferring that potential for positive guidance into classrooms and communities around the world.
Irrigation Reference Manual (to be used with T0076) (T0077)
This manual was written in response to the need for providing technical information to those who work with small-scale farmers in areas where rainfall is deficient and where irrigation water is available or can be developed from existing water sources.
Irrigation Training Manual: Planning, Design, Operation, and Management of Small-Scale Irrigation Systems (T0076)

The Irrigation Manual is designed to serve as a reference resource for trainers involved in irrigated agriculture training for Peace Corps. The Irrigation Manual consists of two parts: (1) the Irrigation Training Manual, and (2) the Irrigation Reference Manual. Individual sections of the manual can be used to supplement a wide variety of technical training programs, or the entire manual can be implemented as a specific irrigation training course.

Learning Local Environmental Knowledge Training Manual (T0126)
Newly posted Peace Corps Volunteers are usually advised to focus on learning local language and culture during their first several months of service, in addition to working themselves into their assigned jobs. One of their initial goals is to adjust to their new surroundings and become familiar with community life. This is known as "community entry." Yet many Volunteers remain unsure of what to do in their first months in their community. Some may even feel excessively pressured to identify areas for development activity as quickly as possible.
Intercultural Competence, Diversity, & Inclusion (ICD&I)
Lessons Learned from Beekeeping in the Philippines (R0032)
The Lessons Learned from Beekeeping in the Philippines manual was originally titled Lesson Plans for Beekeeping in the Philippines. It was written for Peace Corps Volunteers in the Philippines but was quickly adapted by other countries. The manual includes detailed instructions on how to build beekeeping equipment with materials that Volunteers can access locally.
Libraries for All!: How to Start and Run a Basic Library (RE035)
Those of you working in established libraries may be tempted to skip this section. However, if you are having problems with community support and involvement, you might find some good ideas here (and under Community Involvement below). This chapter can help you rethink your library service, and if necessary, make plans to change it or even shut it down.
Libraries & IRCs
Life Skills & Leadership (M0098) (M0110) (M0114) (M0115)

While a particular project may focus on only one or two of these sector competencies, the life skills and leadership topics relate to all aspects of life, including: succeeding in the workplace, fostering healthy living, and engaging with communities. With this manual, Volunteers leading a wide range of positive youth development activities in any sector can learn to integrate life and leadership skills training into their relationships with youth in their communities.

Children & Youth
Managing Solid Waste (M0136)

This manual contains recommendations and best practices for Volunteers as they work alongside community members to develop and improve processes in response to community-identified waste management needs. The manual will be used by Volunteers and their counterparts collaborating with local governments, schools, and communities to strengthen their capacities to implement sustainable solid waste management policies and practices. This will be accomplished through prioritizing behavioral change messaging and effective implementation of the “3 Rs” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) of Solid Waste Management.

Marine Fisheries Case Studies (CS001)
This guide was developed to aid Peace Corps country staff members who are interested in programming marine fisheries projects. Although marine fisheries projects are not new to Peace Corps, today's Peace Corps staff members may not be aware of the history of marine fisheries efforts in their country.
Marketing Strategy: Training Activities for Entrepreneurs (SB092) (SB124) (SB125)
This training program is for women who already have operating businesses.* The size of the business is not important. It can fit the needs of a woman selling homemade jam at a local market or the needs of a group who owns a retail store. What matters is that the women already have businesses.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Mushroom Cultivation in Thailand (R0063)
This handbook was written in an endeavor to help volunteers of all backgrounds better understand mushroom culture in Thailand. We attempted to cover the topics we felt were of greatest importance to volunteers wanting to extend mushroom cultivation to villagers. We realize that this handbook is incomplete in some areas and, therefore, we encourage anyone who uses this handbook to make written comments, both pro and con, to Peace Corps/Thailand, in c/o the Ag/RD Office.
New Crop Production Handbook (R0006)
The New Crop Production Handbook combines the best of two previous ICE Reprints, Crop Production Handbook and Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and Subtropics.
New Project Design and Management Workshop Training Manual (T0107) (T0127) (T0128)
The PDM Workshop builds on the philosophy and methodologies of community participation that most Volunteers begin to learn in pre-service training (PST) and continue to expand through in-service training (IST).
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
NGO Training Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers (M0070)
Unfortunately, numerous NGOs start up and then fail because the passion of the founder is not supported by a sustainable organization. There are countless examples of worthwhile projects that failed because steps were not taken to build an infrastructure to support service growth. Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) can make a difference by helping promising NGOs develop the organizational strength required to achieve their missions.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Non-Formal Education (M0042)

This manual is intended to provide both practical skills for engaging in nonformal education and some underlying theory to help you define and develop your own approach to non-formal education (NFE).

On-Going Language Learning Manual (M0064)
To many of us, it may seem that some people are born with a gift for learning languages, while others seem burdened with a poor memory. But fortunately or not, those descrip­ tions apply to only a tiny percentage of adults tackling a new language. Although language learning sometimes seems like a long and complex task, nearly everyone can do it and most find it enjoyable and rewarding. Thousands of Peace Corps Volunteers will tell you the same thing.
Outreach: Education About Coral Reefs (R0108)
This outreach pack includes Issue Nos. 19 and 20 on coral reefs.