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Manuals and Guides

41-60 of 137 results
ESP Teaching English for Specific Purposes (M0031)
This Manual is a guide to the development of a program of instruction in English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Step-by-step procedures are outlined for assessing student needs, setting achievable goals, designing a program, and selecting - appropriate materials and activities for the classroom.
Forestry Training Manual: Inter-American Region (T0041)
The general purpose this training program is to prepare new in-country Peace Corps Forestry Volunteers who have lived in-country for 10 weeks and have had cultural training, language training and have experienced some forestry technical training (i.e., local species identification) and give them 5 weeks of intensive training in forest technology "hands on".
Freshwater Fisheries: Program Planning (M0001a)
Introduction or expansion of intensive fishculture may be a viable solution to these problems. Intensive fishculture is the growing of fish, usually in ponds, for the purpose of producing a food crop and, It is hoped, a surplus that will bring capital to those sectors of society involved in fish farming. Local consumption of fish naturally will help alleviate dietary protein deficiencies.
Gender and Development Training and Girls Education (M0054)
There are eight booklets in the Gender and Development Training manual. They provide the background and development of the project; training designs for various participants; session plans and handouts; and insights from the field. They are organized so that only the booklets needed can be taken out for any particular purpose. Each booklet is short enough to make copying of pages manageable. The booklets are numbered so that they can be returned for future use.
Intercultural Competence, Diversity, & Inclusion (ICD&I)
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention Programming (M0132)

This programming brief is meant to support Volunteers in understanding what actions they should take when they witness gender-based violence, as well as providing training on promoting GBV prevention and building trusting relationships with community members.

Glossary of Agricultural Terms, English and Spanish (R0009)
This bilingual glossary is a modest attempt to fill one of the needs of Spanish-speaking agriculturists receiving training under the program of the International Cooperation Administration. The list is not complete in any sense. It is based largely on suggestions made by experts engaged; in the training of foreign agricultural specialists both abroad and in the United States.
Glossary of Terminology Used in Forestry, Range, Wildlife, Fishery, Soils and Botany - English/Spanish (R0091)
The purpose of this glossary is to present to translators, scientists, resource managers, administrators and others the Spanish-English equivalent translations of scientific and management terms commonly used in the disciplines of forestry, range management, wildlife management, fisheries, soils and botany.
Guidance for Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Peace Corps Programming (M0117)
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Handbook for Building Homes of Earth (R0034)
Probably one of the first homes man lived in after he came out of a cave, was made of earth. To be sure, the earliest known kinds of earth construction were very crude by our standards today. Primitive man did little more than stick mud on poles woven closely together. But even with this, he found shelter that was better than anything else he had except his cave. He also had the advantage of being able to move around. He could live wherever he wanted to.
Safety, Security, & Emergency Response
Hands-On Activities: A Literacy, Math, and Science Resource Manual (M0106)

This book is a resource for Peace Corps Volunteers, teachers, community leaders, mentors, learning coaches, and others who are interested in delivering “hands-on” educational activities in classrooms and communities.

Health and HIV Life Skills Manual (M0063)
The Life Skills program is a comprehensive behavior change approach that concentrates on the development of the skills needed for life such as communication, decision–making, thinking, managing emotions, assertiveness, self– esteem building, resisting peer pressure, and relationship skills.
Health & Wellness
HIV/AIDS: Integrating Prevention and Care Into Your Sector (M0081)
This Idea Book offers some practical strategies for assessing and responding to the effects of HIV on each of Peace Corps’ project areas, including: Agriculture and Environment, Small Enterprise Development, Health, Youth, and Education.
Health & Wellness
HIV/AIDS Training Resource Kit: An Introduction (T0136K)
The Peace Corps HIV/AIDS Training Resource Kit is a reference for posts. It provides session plans, fact sheets, and other resources to help tailor HIV/AIDS training in pre-service training and in-service training to the needs of various groups of trainees and Volunteers. The eight modules in the Resource Kit were organized around what is already happening in the field in HIV/AIDS activities.
Health & Wellness
Host Families Matter: The Homestay Manual (T0106)
This manual was developed using information from around the PC world. Quotations throughout the manual are taken from PC Trainees and Volunteers. Additionally, information was used from other international organizations with expertise in placing Americans with host families.
Intercultural Competence, Diversity, & Inclusion (ICD&I)
How to Make Tools (R0035)
Publication on how to make tools.
Improved Cookstoves Handbook (M0091)

This handbook has been developed for both Peace Corps staff and Volunteers to advise and assist community members with opportunities to reduce their dependence on solid fuels for cooking in ways that are appropriate in their local contexts.

Health & Wellness
Improved Food Drying and Storage: A Training Manual (T0020)
The main focus of the program, of course, is the technical training of Peace Corps Volunteers and their Counterparts, to be able to design, build, use and maintain improved food dryers and stores.
Income Generation and Money Management:Training Women as Entrepreneurs (R0087)
The goal of this manual is to provide field workers with practical means that can be used directly and immediately for conducting training sessions. Therefore, the following pages have been designed to assist volunteers in their efforts to train village women in some basic money management skills.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Incountry Resource Center Procedures Manual (RE0015)
This resource, as a part of the PCLive Historical Collection, is archival material offering recommended procedures for resource centers at post. This manual was written for those wanting to establish Information Resource Centers (formerly known as "Incountry Resource Centers") and for those who may manage such centers.
Libraries & IRCs