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Manuals and Guides

Above and Beyond (M0052)
In 1987, Peace Corps' Information Collection and Exchange (ICE) division produced a manual to help Education Volunteers start what were then called "secondary projects," activities the Volunteers could organize during school recesses when they were otherwise unemployed. The manual discussed the philosophy of secondary projects and provided guidelines for their execution. Chapters dealt with such topics as situational analysis, needs assessment, feasibility studies, project planning, problem solving, evaluation, and documentation
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Corruption and Transparency as Development Issues: Training Modules for Staff and Volunteers (PST and IST) (T0137K)
Corruption exists in all societies. Corruption is a violation of public trust for personal gain. It affects the everyday life of individuals at all levels of society, though they may not be aware of it because they have never known anything else. When many people participate in corruption, system integrity breaks down and some people resort to corruption to survive. Corruption is a development issue because it erodes the infrastructure, threatens economic competitiveness and public health and safety, and undermines accountability and trust.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Guidance for Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Peace Corps Programming (M0117)
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
New Project Design and Management Workshop Training Manual (T0107) (T0127) (T0128)
The PDM Workshop builds on the philosophy and methodologies of community participation that most Volunteers begin to learn in pre-service training (PST) and continue to expand through in-service training (IST).
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
NGO Training Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers (M0070)
Unfortunately, numerous NGOs start up and then fail because the passion of the founder is not supported by a sustainable organization. There are countless examples of worthwhile projects that failed because steps were not taken to build an infrastructure to support service growth. Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) can make a difference by helping promising NGOs develop the organizational strength required to achieve their missions.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Peace Corps Tales from Open Space (T0089)
Peace Corps Tales from Open Space documents and reflects on the use of Open Space Technology by Peace Corps staff in the United States and in the field. Each tale includes descriptions of the event and highlights its particular features, followed by a list of advice and lessons learned by facilitators, planners, and participants.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Promoting Powerful People: A Process for Change (T0104)
This training provides Volunteers with a process that helps people help themselves. This simple process is effective when applied to an activity, such as a training or counseling session; or a project, such as organizing community gardens, building latrines or water systems, or increasing immunization coverage.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Roles of the Volunteer in Development: Toolkit for Building Capacity (T0005)
What is the role of the Peace Corps Volunteer in development? This is arguably the most strategic question you will address during your entire Peace Corps service. The philosophical answer to the question is deceptively simple: the role of the Volunteer is to help people help themselves.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Sourcebook for Community Based Training Programs (T0088)
The working section of this document is divided into Chapters 1 to 3. Chapter 1 provides a basic overview of the training design, followed by a step‐by‐step guide to planning and developing a community‐based training program. It deals in basic terms with setting up, or structuring, the program in the field.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Supporting Volunteer Resiliency: Facilitator Workbook & Toolkit (T0138K)
Supporting Volunteer Resiliency is a Peace Corps staff training that provides curricula in the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to effectively support Volunteers.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
The World Map Project Manual for PCVs (R0088)
The World Map Project celebrated its 25th year in 2013, and has taken another step toward making it easier for Peace Corps Volunteers to launch a project in their communities.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Volunteerism Action Guide: Multiplying the Power of Service (CD062) (CD063) (CD064) (CD065)

With the V2 Volunteerism initiative, the Peace Corps seeks to help Volunteers inspire and support host country volunteerism by integrating elements of service learning into community development work. This booklet will show you how to motivate and support communities to make service a common experience.

Government, Civics, & Community Engagement