Utilizing rabbit, as an alternative protein source and its by-products as an income-generating activity, has been the campaign of dedicated rabbit raisers for many years. We have seen many backyard, commercial, and nutrition education rabbit production projects succeed and fail, although successes have so far surpassed the failures. From observation and evaluation of these past and ongoing ventures, the following criteria are offered as guidelines to insure success in your project.
For Peace Corps, development centers on building local capacity and self-reliance among those who need it most. Accordingly, Peace Crops promotes approximately 35 agricultural extension programs reaching small-scale farming families world-wide.
This manual provides a guide for those who are helping future Peace Corps Volunteers to acquire basic beekeeping skills. The program is designed to help Trainees develop the skills they will need to work and live in another culture as beekeeping extensionists. This is a skills training program; thus, some further in-country training or orientation is presumed.
The purpose of this manual is to demonstrate how small farmers and garden producers in Jamaica can increase their production. This will increase their income and will help Jamaica achieve the goal of self-reliance in food.
The Irrigation Manual is designed to serve as a reference resource for trainers involved in irrigated agriculture training for Peace Corps. The Irrigation Manual consists of two parts: (1) the Irrigation Training Manual, and (2) the Irrigation Reference Manual. Individual sections of the manual can be used to supplement a wide variety of technical training programs, or the entire manual can be implemented as a specific irrigation training course.
This manual is designed to provide development workers with the information and tools needed either to begin or to improve poultry production. For those who are inexperienced in poultry production, this manual can identify and provide the basic information needed to raise and market poultry successfully.