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Manuals and Guides

Above and Beyond (M0052)
In 1987, Peace Corps' Information Collection and Exchange (ICE) division produced a manual to help Education Volunteers start what were then called "secondary projects," activities the Volunteers could organize during school recesses when they were otherwise unemployed. The manual discussed the philosophy of secondary projects and provided guidelines for their execution. Chapters dealt with such topics as situational analysis, needs assessment, feasibility studies, project planning, problem solving, evaluation, and documentation
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Adapting Environmental Education Materials (M0059)
Peace Corps Volunteers and others who conduct environmental education activities in schools, environmental education centers, parks, and communities are faced with a dilemma. On one hand, environmental issues need to be addressed through education, but locally developed materials either do not exist or are of low quality. On the other hand, environmental educators often have a variety of materials available to them but were they developed in other countries or regions.
Agroforestry In-Service Training: A Training Aid for Asia & the Pacific Islands (T0016)
The Forestry/Natural Resources Sector (no longer in existence) in the Office of Training & Program Support of Peace Corps conducted an Agroforestry In-service Training Workshop in Honiara, Solomon Islands. The workshop design combined both technical presentations with appropriate "hands-on" experiential learning sessions.
Community-Based Solid Waste Management Training Facilitator's Guide (T0086)
On a global scale urban environmental management and environmental health issues increase alarmingly and at compelling rates. The solution to urban environmental management issues requires enhancing and strengthening bonds among health and environment workers, citizens, and government policy makers and implementers.
Corruption and Transparency as Development Issues: Training Modules for Staff and Volunteers (PST and IST) (T0137K)
Corruption exists in all societies. Corruption is a violation of public trust for personal gain. It affects the everyday life of individuals at all levels of society, though they may not be aware of it because they have never known anything else. When many people participate in corruption, system integrity breaks down and some people resort to corruption to survive. Corruption is a development issue because it erodes the infrastructure, threatens economic competitiveness and public health and safety, and undermines accountability and trust.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Environmental Activities for Youth Clubs and Camps (M0126)

This manual is intended to serve as a sourcebook for Volunteers and others to draw upon when implementing educational programs. The activities here are primarily organized according to subject matter, such as soil, water, trees, nature awareness, and ecology, with additional activities included under Service Learning Activities and Games.

Environmental Education in Schools: Creating a Program that Works (M0044)
The Peace Corps, in recognizing the importance of environmental education and the necessity of providing comprehensive training and support, has taken the initiative to sponsor sound and effective environmental education programming around the world. Through workshops, materials development, and collaborative efforts with other agencies and organizations in the U.S. and abroad, Peace Corps is working to make environmental education an integral part of all of its programs-from small business to agriculture to health to forestry.
Environmental Education in the Community (M0075)

For years, Peace Corps Volunteers have assisted communities to create and engage in a broad range of environmental education activities. Although the content and setting of each of these activities is different, the educational goal is the same: to help communities appreciate, protect, and sustain their natural surroundings.

Forestry Training Manual: Inter-American Region (T0041)
The general purpose this training program is to prepare new in-country Peace Corps Forestry Volunteers who have lived in-country for 10 weeks and have had cultural training, language training and have experienced some forestry technical training (i.e., local species identification) and give them 5 weeks of intensive training in forest technology "hands on".
Guidance for Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Peace Corps Programming (M0117)
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Managing Solid Waste (M0136)

This manual contains recommendations and best practices for Volunteers as they work alongside community members to develop and improve processes in response to community-identified waste management needs. The manual will be used by Volunteers and their counterparts collaborating with local governments, schools, and communities to strengthen their capacities to implement sustainable solid waste management policies and practices. This will be accomplished through prioritizing behavioral change messaging and effective implementation of the “3 Rs” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) of Solid Waste Management.

New Project Design and Management Workshop Training Manual (T0107) (T0127) (T0128)
The PDM Workshop builds on the philosophy and methodologies of community participation that most Volunteers begin to learn in pre-service training (PST) and continue to expand through in-service training (IST).
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
NGO Training Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers (M0070)
Unfortunately, numerous NGOs start up and then fail because the passion of the founder is not supported by a sustainable organization. There are countless examples of worthwhile projects that failed because steps were not taken to build an infrastructure to support service growth. Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) can make a difference by helping promising NGOs develop the organizational strength required to achieve their missions.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Outreach: Education About Coral Reefs (R0108)
This outreach pack includes Issue Nos. 19 and 20 on coral reefs.
Outreach: Materials on Waste and Recycling (Information for Educators and Communicators) (R0096)
This pack is the first in a series of five OUTREACH packs that explore waste and recycling. It looks at the type and scale of waste problems that exist, particularly in Third World cities and towns, and emphasizes the growing recognition of the need to develop local solutions to match local needs and opportunities.
Outreach: The Marine Environment (R0106)
This outreach pack includes Issue Nos. 49, 50, and 51.
Peace Corps Tales from Open Space (T0089)
Peace Corps Tales from Open Space documents and reflects on the use of Open Space Technology by Peace Corps staff in the United States and in the field. Each tale includes descriptions of the event and highlights its particular features, followed by a list of advice and lessons learned by facilitators, planners, and participants.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Planning Natural Parks for Eco-Development: Methods and Cases from Latin America (R0073)
This is a book about national parks. It deals with methods for planning national parks to enable them to provide the greatest possible benefit to mankind. And, it focuses upon Latin America where nations are forging ahead with development programs which include the search for means to provide adequate stewardship for natural and cultural heritage and for the maintenance of the biosphere.
Promoting Powerful People: A Process for Change (T0104)
This training provides Volunteers with a process that helps people help themselves. This simple process is effective when applied to an activity, such as a training or counseling session; or a project, such as organizing community gardens, building latrines or water systems, or increasing immunization coverage.
Government, Civics, & Community Engagement
Reforestation in the Pacific Islands (M0033)
This manual has been designed as a reference and technical information tool for use by community development workers and others interested in forestry and reforestation projects in the islands of the South Pacific. It is an attempt to present - in clear, non-technical language - background and "how to" information necessary for Peace Corps Volunteers and other forestry workers to understand the basic issues surrounding problems of deforestation and to initiate and plan local-level reforestation projects.