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Manuals and Guides

A Microenterprise Training Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers (M0068)
A Microenterprise Training Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers is designed for the self-directed adult learner. Self-directed does not imply a solitary learning experience, but rather that the learner takes responsibility for mastering the knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This self-directed approach is based on the “experiential learning” process, which is the way adults are most likely to learn.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Appropriate Community Technology: A Training Manual (T0028)
Basic to the purpose of this program is the belief that appropriate community technology represents as much a process as a philosophy. The process begins when people take an active role in their own education; it continues as they identify not only their needs, but also the resources, abilities and methods that will help them make decisions and address their problems in ways that are both sustainable and locally appropriate.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Community Economic Development: A Training Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers (M0069)
This guide was developed specifically to show Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) why and how community economic development (CED) is used to improve individuals' and families' economic well-being. As you do the activities in this guide and read the text, you will discover the potential of CED in expanding communities' economies and building the capacity of citizens to take responsibility for their own economic future.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Doing a Feasibility Study: Training Activities for Starting or Reviewing a Small Business (SB104) (SB105) (SB106)

This manual is built on the experience of women like these and the staff of local organizations that assist them. We are proud to make it available to those who are working at the "frontline" of small business development, trainers and programmers who work with Third World women and understand their needs, as well as their hopes.

Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Income Generation and Money Management:Training Women as Entrepreneurs (R0087)
The goal of this manual is to provide field workers with practical means that can be used directly and immediately for conducting training sessions. Therefore, the following pages have been designed to assist volunteers in their efforts to train village women in some basic money management skills.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Incountry Resource Center Procedures Manual (RE0015)
This resource, as a part of the PCLive Historical Collection, is archival material offering recommended procedures for resource centers at post. This manual was written for those wanting to establish Information Resource Centers (formerly known as "Incountry Resource Centers") and for those who may manage such centers.
Libraries & IRCs
Libraries for All!: How to Start and Run a Basic Library (RE035)
Those of you working in established libraries may be tempted to skip this section. However, if you are having problems with community support and involvement, you might find some good ideas here (and under Community Involvement below). This chapter can help you rethink your library service, and if necessary, make plans to change it or even shut it down.
Libraries & IRCs
Marketing Strategy: Training Activities for Entrepreneurs (SB092) (SB124) (SB125)
This training program is for women who already have operating businesses.* The size of the business is not important. It can fit the needs of a woman selling homemade jam at a local market or the needs of a group who owns a retail store. What matters is that the women already have businesses.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
On-Going Language Learning Manual (M0064)
To many of us, it may seem that some people are born with a gift for learning languages, while others seem burdened with a poor memory. But fortunately or not, those descrip­ tions apply to only a tiny percentage of adults tackling a new language. Although language learning sometimes seems like a long and complex task, nearly everyone can do it and most find it enjoyable and rewarding. Thousands of Peace Corps Volunteers will tell you the same thing.
Savings and Loan Association Guide (M0095)
The Savings and Loan Association Guide is meant to assist Peace Corps Volunteers and community work partners who want to help their communities to start community-managed savings and loan associations. The Reference Guide provides an overview to methodology, as well as complete session plans, detailed meeting and recordkeeping procedures, and monitoring tools. It is meant to accompany an in-service training.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Savings and Loan Association Simulation (M0097)
The purpose of this resource is to facilitate improved access to credit and money management. By the end of the Savings-led Microfinance training package, participants will be able to facilitate the implementation and management of Savings and Loan Associations in their own communities using Peace Corps‘ Savings and Loan Association methodology.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Setting Up and Running a School Library (ED204)
If you are planning your school's first library this book will guide you through each step. If your school already has a library this book will help you to ensure its success -but do think carefully before you make any changes.
Libraries & IRCs
Small Enterprise Development: In-Service Training Manual (T0043)
This manual was designed in response to Peace Corps' growing need for in-service technical training in small enterprise development. It is targeted for participants who do not have academic backgrounds in business, but who have become involved in local income-generating projects. The manual is applicable for Volunteers who are working with ongoing projects, as well as for those who will be involved in the establishment of new entities.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Small Enterprise Development: Pre-Service Training Manual (T0042)
This manual was designed in response to Peace Corps' growing need for technical training in small enterprise development. It is targeted for trainees who already have academic backgrounds in business, but who need to adapt those skills to work with host-country small businesses/incomegenerating projects.
Economy, Economic Development, & Business
Sources of Donated Books for Schools and Libraries (RE003)
Sources of Donated Books for Schools and Libraries (No. RE003) is intended to help Peace Corps Volunteers and their counterparts identify organizations that might provide books and other educational materials for schools and libraries in their communities.
Libraries & IRCs
Sources of Free Periodicals and Databases (RE007)
Sources of Free Periodicals and Databases [ICE No. RE007] is compiled by the Peace Corps office of Information Collection and Exchange (ICE) to provide Peace Corps Volunteers with information on periodicals, databases, and CD-ROMs that can offer helpful information for primary and secondary projects.
Libraries & IRCs