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Manuals and Guides

Classroom Management Idea Book (M0088)
This book was written in response to feedback from Volunteer teachers. They report that managing a classroom in a new cultural environment is a primary challenge. Many feel that the time spent dealing with classroom management issues detracts from the time spent actually teaching content. Sensitive and complicated questions, such as how to teach in a school that condones corporal punishment, surfaced frequently.
Community Content Based Instruction (CCBI) (T0112)
This manual is a comprehensive reference on community content-based instruction (CCBI). It provides information on the history and development of CCBI as an education developmental approach related to corresponding approaches to development.
Community Data-Driven Decision Making (M0108)
ESP Teaching English for Specific Purposes (M0031)
This Manual is a guide to the development of a program of instruction in English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Step-by-step procedures are outlined for assessing student needs, setting achievable goals, designing a program, and selecting - appropriate materials and activities for the classroom.
Hands-On Activities: A Literacy, Math, and Science Resource Manual (M0106)

This book is a resource for Peace Corps Volunteers, teachers, community leaders, mentors, learning coaches, and others who are interested in delivering “hands-on” educational activities in classrooms and communities.

Incountry Resource Center Procedures Manual (RE0015)
This resource, as a part of the PCLive Historical Collection, is archival material offering recommended procedures for resource centers at post. This manual was written for those wanting to establish Information Resource Centers (formerly known as "Incountry Resource Centers") and for those who may manage such centers.
Libraries & IRCs
Information & Communication Technologies: Integrating Digital Tools Into Your Projects (M0085)
The ICT Idea Book is one of a series of booklets produced to share specific activities you may be interested in replicating. Other titles in the series are listed below, and new titles are produced regularly. All of these ideas come from the work of Volunteers. Most of them were submitted just as they are printed—there is not additional information.
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Training of Trainers: Computer & Internet Use for Development (T0122)
This Facilitator Guide and Reference Manual is to be used when training Volunteers and others who will serve as trainers in information and communication technology (ICT) during Volunteers’ Pre-Service Training (PST) or In-Service Training (IST). It outlines the format, materials, objectives, time, sequence, and content of the training of trainers (TOT).
In The Classroom: Empowering Girls (M0083)
This Idea book concentrates on activities and strategies that increase girlsÂ’ access to and participation in quality in-school education. Volunteers are perceived as role models, technical specialists, teachers, coun- selors, heroes and friends. This book shares specific ideas and frameworks for transferring that potential for positive guidance into classrooms and communities around the world.
Libraries for All!: How to Start and Run a Basic Library (RE035)
Those of you working in established libraries may be tempted to skip this section. However, if you are having problems with community support and involvement, you might find some good ideas here (and under Community Involvement below). This chapter can help you rethink your library service, and if necessary, make plans to change it or even shut it down.
Libraries & IRCs
Non-Formal Education (M0042)

This manual is intended to provide both practical skills for engaging in nonformal education and some underlying theory to help you define and develop your own approach to non-formal education (NFE).

On-Going Language Learning Manual (M0064)
To many of us, it may seem that some people are born with a gift for learning languages, while others seem burdened with a poor memory. But fortunately or not, those descrip­ tions apply to only a tiny percentage of adults tackling a new language. Although language learning sometimes seems like a long and complex task, nearly everyone can do it and most find it enjoyable and rewarding. Thousands of Peace Corps Volunteers will tell you the same thing.
Setting Up and Running a School Library (ED204)
If you are planning your school's first library this book will guide you through each step. If your school already has a library this book will help you to ensure its success -but do think carefully before you make any changes.
Libraries & IRCs
Sources of Donated Books for Schools and Libraries (RE003)
Sources of Donated Books for Schools and Libraries (No. RE003) is intended to help Peace Corps Volunteers and their counterparts identify organizations that might provide books and other educational materials for schools and libraries in their communities.
Libraries & IRCs
Sources of Free Periodicals and Databases (RE007)
Sources of Free Periodicals and Databases [ICE No. RE007] is compiled by the Peace Corps office of Information Collection and Exchange (ICE) to provide Peace Corps Volunteers with information on periodicals, databases, and CD-ROMs that can offer helpful information for primary and secondary projects.
Libraries & IRCs
TEFL Grammar Activities Book (M0121)

This Idea Book provides Peace Corps Volunteers with classroom activities to practice English grammar that in general require little preparation time, few or no handouts, and limited class time to carry out the activity.

The Building Blocks of Literacy: A Literacy Resource Manual for Peace Corps Volunteers (M0107)

The purpose of this manual is to help Volunteers working in literacy to build the capacity of their host country counterparts by organizing ideas, activities, and lesson plans for each of the concepts highlighted in the Literacy Wheel. In addition to sharing the interactive lessons and activities in this manual, consider doing the exercises and action planning along with your counterparts.
