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Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation: An In-Service Training Module (T0124)
The Peace Corps’ Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Pre–Service Training Module provides an initial introduction. This In–Service Training (IST) module builds on the Pre–Service Training (PST) module but also provides enough background so that the IST can be used alone if Volunteers did not receive the PST.
Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation: A Pre-Service Training Module (T0123)
Volunteers live and work in communities that may be especially affected by natural disasters because they are often in developing countries. They can and do make an enormous difference to the people within these communities. The purpose of this Pre–Service Training (PST) is to provide an introduction to and an overview of disaster management to minimize the risk of loss of life, negative economic impacts, and other potential effects of disasters.
DPM Idea Book: Integrating Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation in Your Work (M0084)
Despite the alarming statistics, events such as droughts, earthquakes and floods do not have to become disasters with devastating impacts on lives, livelihoods, the economy, and the environment. Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation activities can reduce the destruction and minimize suffering in disaster-prone places, creating truly sustainable development at the same time.
Handbook for Building Homes of Earth (R0034)
Probably one of the first homes man lived in after he came out of a cave, was made of earth. To be sure, the earliest known kinds of earth construction were very crude by our standards today. Primitive man did little more than stick mud on poles woven closely together. But even with this, he found shelter that was better than anything else he had except his cave. He also had the advantage of being able to move around. He could live wherever he wanted to.
Incountry Resource Center Procedures Manual (RE0015)
This resource, as a part of the PCLive Historical Collection, is archival material offering recommended procedures for resource centers at post. This manual was written for those wanting to establish Information Resource Centers (formerly known as "Incountry Resource Centers") and for those who may manage such centers.
Libraries for All!: How to Start and Run a Basic Library (RE035)
Those of you working in established libraries may be tempted to skip this section. However, if you are having problems with community support and involvement, you might find some good ideas here (and under Community Involvement below). This chapter can help you rethink your library service, and if necessary, make plans to change it or even shut it down.
On-Going Language Learning Manual (M0064)
To many of us, it may seem that some people are born with a gift for learning languages, while others seem burdened with a poor memory. But fortunately or not, those descrip tions apply to only a tiny percentage of adults tackling a new language. Although language learning sometimes seems like a long and complex task, nearly everyone can do it and most find it enjoyable and rewarding. Thousands of Peace Corps Volunteers will tell you the same thing.
Setting Up and Running a School Library (ED204)
If you are planning your school's first library this book will guide you through each step. If your school already has a library this book will help you to ensure its success -but do think carefully before you make any changes.
Sources of Donated Books for Schools and Libraries (RE003)
Sources of Donated Books for Schools and Libraries (No. RE003) is intended to help Peace Corps Volunteers and their counterparts identify organizations that might provide books and other educational materials for schools and libraries in their communities.
Sources of Free Periodicals and Databases (RE007)
Sources of Free Periodicals and Databases [ICE No. RE007] is compiled by the Peace Corps office of Information Collection and Exchange (ICE) to provide Peace Corps Volunteers with information on periodicals, databases, and CD-ROMs that can offer helpful information for primary and secondary projects.