The purpose of this manual is to demonstrate how small farmers and garden producers in Jamaica can increase their production. This will increase their income and will help Jamaica achieve the goal of self-reliance in food.
The Irrigation Manual is designed to serve as a reference resource for trainers involved in irrigated agriculture training for Peace Corps. The Irrigation Manual consists of two parts: (1) the Irrigation Training Manual, and (2) the Irrigation Reference Manual. Individual sections of the manual can be used to supplement a wide variety of technical training programs, or the entire manual can be implemented as a specific irrigation training course.
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While a particular project may focus on only one or two of these sector competencies, the life skills and leadership topics relate to all aspects of life, including: succeeding in the workplace, fostering healthy living, and engaging with communities. With this manual, Volunteers leading a wide range of positive youth development activities in any sector can learn to integrate life and leadership skills training into their relationships with youth in their communities.
This manual contains recommendations and best practices for Volunteers as they work alongside community members to develop and improve processes in response to community-identified waste management needs. The manual will be used by Volunteers and their counterparts collaborating with local governments, schools, and communities to strengthen their capacities to implement sustainable solid waste management policies and practices. This will be accomplished through prioritizing behavioral change messaging and effective implementation of the “3 Rs” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) of Solid Waste Management.
This manual is intended to provide both practical skills for engaging in nonformal education and some underlying theory to help you define and develop your own approach to non-formal education (NFE).